Biometrical Identity Card

General Information:

The national identity card is the administrative proof of identity and nationality of its holder.

Luxembourg nationals aged 15 and over who have their usual place of residence in a Luxembourg commune must carry an ID card.

Persons under 15 years of age are not required to have an ID card: it is issued upon the request of a parent exercising parental authority. This way, young people under 15 years of age will not need to carry a passport for their travels within the EU.

The ID card is optional for persons living abroad.

Luxembourg ID cards have an electronic chip.

Who is concerned

The ID card is mandatory for anyone who:

  • has the Luxembourg nationality;
  • usually resides in Luxembourg;
  • is aged 15 and over.

The ID card is optional for persons living abroad or under 15 years of age.

No one can have more than one identity card.


The deadline for issuing an ID card under the standard procedure is 10 working days and 3 working days in the case of a fast-track procedure.

For applications to a diplomatic or consular mission this deadline is extended due to a delivery time.

The identity card must be collected within 6 months from the submission of the application. The competent authorities reserve the right to destroy the identity card after the deadline has passed.


Cost of an ID card

The ID card is subject to a state tax which is set at:

  • EUR 14 for an ID card with a validity period of 10 years for young people over 15 years of age and adults;
  • EUR 10 for an ID card with a validity period of 5 years for children between 4 and 15 years of age;
  • EUR 5 for an ID card with a validity period of 2 years for children under 4 years of age.

These amounts are increased by EUR 20 in case of an application submitted to a Luxembourg diplomatic or consular mission . For applications submitted to communes, communal chancery taxes may be added to these amounts.

In case of a fast-track application, the tax is set at EUR 45, regardless of the validity period of the card.


Payment procedure

The tax should be paid 6 months before the application at the earliest and at the time of application at the latest.

The tax must be paid prior to the application either online or by bank transfer or cash payment to the following account: CCPL No. IBAN LU44 1111 7028 7715 0000, BIC code CCPLLULL, beneficiary:

 B.P. 1111
 L-1011 Luxembourg

For transfers from a country outside the SEPA zone, the "OUR" box (i.e. all charges to be borne by the originator) should be checked.

Bank transfer charges shall in no case be borne by the beneficiary.

The proof of payment must be presented at the application. It is imperative to indicate the surname and first name of the ID card holder in the box reserved for communication on the transfer or cash payment.
 In case of multiple applications by several members of the same family, the total amount can be paid with a single transfer, but the proof of payment must indicate the surnames and first names of all the persons concerned.

Persons who submit their application to the eID applications service of the Government IT Centre (Centre des technologies de l'information de l'Etat - CTIE) can pay the related tax on site by credit or debit card.

It is also possible to make the payment with a smartphone by using the Digicash application of the concerned person's bank. You simply need to scan the QR code on the letter you have received by post and to validate your payment with your fingerprint or PIN code.

It is also possible to pay for the card at the eID Applications Service of the Government IT Centre by approaching your smartphone to the Digicash terminal.

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